Resource templates

User Profile Workshop Template
— $20 —

Access both the User Profile Kickoff Workshop Template and a downloadable PDF. Particularly helpful as a first workshop with clients to align on user and business goals.

User Interview Guide — $20

How do you know that this product is the right thing to build? The surest way is through 1:1 user interviews. Here is a 2-page user interview guide that will help you started.

Watch Past Workshop

Image by Dim Gunger

Accessibility in Design
Kim Ellsworth Kim Ellsworth

Accessibility in Design

To increase our awareness and empathy, TAILORU held an internal workshop to dive deeper into disabilities and how we can optimize our research and design processes by including accessibility for all.

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User Problem & Features Prioritization Workshop
Thu Do Thu Do

User Problem & Features Prioritization Workshop

User Problem and Feature Prioritization Workshop. It’s a framework that I developed over my practice to help startups start on the right foot.

It defines the user, the problem, the touchpoint that we can influence, and how each ideas / features in our mind can trace back to each of these pain points, problem, and user. Moreover, this framework allows us to prioritize features based on impact and cost.

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